Thursday, June 10, 2004

Grant and Becky Rule the World

I don't like the word "blog." I keep thinking of the phrase "big log," as in "big brown log," as in "big brown doo doo log," as in "big brown doo doo log floating in the toilet." I don't think "weblog."

And there, in a buttshell, is what you can expect. Oh, curious reader, brave friend, vegi-sexuals and various pedophiles, why the hell are you here? Isn't your own life interesting enough?

Besides, I'm not one of those attention-craving whores parading around every facile aspect of their lives in a pathetic display of neediness.

Yes I am.

Let me tell you why:

1. My head is in physical proportion to my body.
2. I often turn frowns upside down.
3. I drive a Prius. Like Leonardo DiCaprio.
4. I have been frequently referred to as "the shiznit."
5. I find monkeys hilarious.

My wife and I had twins on March 24th, 2004. They are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. And they look NOTHING like the mailman, so don't believe those STINKIN' LIES!

If I won a million bucks, I would save it because college will probably cost that much in 18 years.


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