Thursday, April 14, 2005

Britney And I Are Expecting...

I occasionally trade emails with a former co-worker who relocated to San Diego. Due to his height, I often refer to him as the 8th Dwarf: Gangly.

We've recently been debating what the name of the next Pope should be, and we've come up with the following possibilities:

Pope Peter II - Electric Boogaloo
The Pope-a-nizzle
DJ Jazzy Pope
The Pope-Tastic
Ghostface Pope

Please feel free to offer your own suggestions.

Stuff I'm listening to these days:
Explosions in the Sky, Death From Above 1979, British Sea Power, Aphex Twin, Shins, Icarus Line, Trail of Dead, Comets on Fire, Copeland, Futureheads, Walkmen, Today Is the Day, Blood Brothers, M83, Squarepusher, Muse

Stuff I've been listening to since high school/ college:
Jesus Lizard, Big Black, Mudhoney, Velocity Girl, Unwound, Girls Vs. Boys, Don Caballero, Pain Teens, Swans, Hammerhead, Rapeman, Slint, Skinny Puppy, Pavement, Ministry, His Name Is Alive, Sundays, Smiths, Unsane, Sebadoh

Stuff I listen to in order to fool people into thinking I'm cool and oh-so-eclectic:
Johnny Cash, Yes, Muddy Waters, Teagan and Sara, Arcade Fire, Mikis Theodorakis, Godspeed You Black Emperor, David Bowie, Red House Painters, Wilco, Philip Glass

Why is it that I write on this thing so much, yet pathologically keep forgetting to tell anyone about it? Is there such thing as the psycho-ego?

PBS-LA decided to go 'head and do the dumbest thing ever: give me money to make a movie. The artistic community is weeping, I tell ya. And not in joy, either.