Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'd Rather Have a Bottle In Front of Me Than of A Frontal Lobotomy

Bad, bad, bad, bad mood. First post in 4 months. Thank God nothing important happened...oh wait, except my sex change and the demise of Local Bruisers. Haha.

So the slow, agonizing death of Local Bruisers goes on interminably. Funding has been terminated as of last week Friday; can you say hallellujah, Mr. Bush? Now will I even get my raw footage back? I guess that's for the suits to decide.

Nothing much to say. No one really to blame. Well, actually, there are definitely people to blame, but what's the use?

Yesterday I hooked up my Ipod to the computer and blared Matisyahu while I fixed the kids their dinner. When I came out of the kitchen, they were sitting in front of the computer, big smiles on their faces, head bobbing to the beat. If the sight of one's children rockin' out to the groovy sounds of a white, Hasidic Jewish reggae artist doesn't put a smile on your face, by God, nothing will.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love hearing about the kids! ~ Adri

2:54 PM  

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