It's Official: Iraq Is A-OK!
There is a distinct possibility that you, oh intrepid blog reader, may have been one of the faithfuls involved in the production of Local Bruisers. If you are, then you are no doubt still in deep emotional shock over the shuttering of production that I announced two weeks ago, and are here to glean a moment of clarity from me, Director-Boy Extraordinaire.
Well, a secret shall be passed unto you, for having the initiative to check the website regularly and notice that the Myspace link has been changed to this Bruiser Blog. Your reward is this:
Local Bruisers is not over.
Depending on who you are, this news will affect you in different ways. Certain parties will be ecstatic, and others will go into a fetal position under a table whispering "dear God, no, I can't takes no mo..." over and over again.
It turns out that Producer-Boy Extraordinaire decided to buy out the rights to Local Bruisers owned by PBS that it was holding in conjunction with New Horizons. So once the deal gets approved by finance this Friday, my movie will be a considered a 100% New Horizons Media production. There are many possibilities as to why the hell Ken would take such a risk on my film:
1. There is a very tangible future financial gain to be made by owning the movie.
2. Ken thinks I'm a freakin' genius.
3. He doesn't want his first project to be a failure, either.
4. He wants to stick it to PBS.
5. He wants to stick it to me.
6. He's that rich, crazy Texan uncle from the Flintstone's who buys stuff for no reason.
So there you go. The movie is not dead. But I am. Because why would I continue with this film without the confidence that it will turn out well?
Can you convince me that you can perform again without the abject look of utter fear on your face that permeates every so-called "intimate" scene you have?
Can you convince me that there will be no more dramatic histrionics?
Can you convince me that you will be professional both on and off the set?
Can you convince me that your performance will be better? That you can internalize a scene so it at least has a semblance of honesty?
Can you convince me that you will ACT and not just go through the motions?
Can you convince me that you will not let your goddamn personal life and personal morality destroy the camaraderie that is so important to this production?
I have no personal assurances, nor do I seek them out. I am still tired and hurt, folks.
Oh, what the hell. Convince me.
With love and cuddles,
sorry...I must be messing up your blog. just wanted to tell you I am so happy that localbruisers is still alive!!! - Allyn
Rebel Rebel ...
Professionalism ... should go all around, eh? Not just pinpointing just one guy, at least not me.
Anyway, ready to go.
I thought it was spelled "hystrionics?"
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