Monday, April 03, 2006

I Heard Basic Instinct 2 Was Fan-Tastic

I had a tea party with Zoey over the weekend. A long, neverending, dictatorial tea party. If living under a fascist regime means cowering in fear while a small girl demands you drink imaginary tea the CORRECT way, goddammit (one hand, pinky out, sitting straight up with legs crossed like a lady), then I am ready to light up a stogie with Fidel.

Don't get me wrong, it was the cutest thing in the world, in a Springtime For Hitler kind of way. It was so funny to see her patiently offer Zach a plate of tea (lost the cups) over and over again, until he finally got frustrated enough to fling the pastel-colored plate halfway across the room. Then he gave me a look that said "Christ Almighty, dad, can't you see I'm trying to organize these freakin' Hot Wheels? It's not gonna get done by itself, and I sure as shit don't see anyone else doing it."

I picked up the plate (once again, no cups), and said "Hey Zoey, I'd like some tea." Her eyes lit up, and she came over and poured me a generous helping, judging by the liquid "whoosh" sound she made with her mouth. And there we sat, me with my plate, her with her bowl and spoon, enjoying our tea. Chamomile, of course. Real ladies drink chamomile.

Fatherhood is the greatest thing, ever.

Becky and I spent the entire weekend packing most of our house into the garage. We finally settled on a realtor, and now have to do the "make the house look bigger" thing. As much as I talk about how we're moving to a better place, I will miss this house dearly. It was a symbol of pride, more than anything. Becky and I bought this place ourselves, with no help from anyone. We found the house ourselves, we got the financing ourselves, we lived and laughed and loved and had our children here. And now we're moving. So endeth that chapter. Time to go to chapter two. I hear there are more car chases, explosions, and ninjas in that chapter.

Cornered, the boy kicked out at the world,
The world kicked back, and that fuckin' hurt!
The Libertines


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allyn here again...There was a time after Kelsey was born that Alan and I were looking at a zero balance in our savings accounts. We were in the middle of building our house, our contractor had run off with about $50K of our money, and Al's parents in CA needed a place to live. My parents took out a second mortage on their house for me to pay on, since we were already living with them. We sold our 4 or 5 year old van and bought an older second hand sedan to come up with a deposit and closing costs for a $36K two bedroom condo in Denver for Al's folks to move into. Al worked two jobs and called in his younger brother and two of his friends that could help us build our house if we could pay their airfare and feed them. We moved into the house when the carpet went down, refinanced to pay off my parent's second mortgage and borrowed enough cash to complete the finishes, pay off the suppliers and kill the credit card balances. You and Becky will survive too...just stay focused and together.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy poop. That actually does put things in perspective for me. Thanks.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! Perspective for me too. Sometimes I feel like just choosing to have a family automatically invited battles to take place right under my nose.


12:51 AM  

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