Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Had Some Enriched Uranium For Breakfast

I somehow stumbled across an article on CNN that reported on a group of S&M enthusiasts in South Carolina who were performing castrations and testicle removal on willing (willing!) participants in their homemade dungeon cellar. Immediately after reading this, I think I may have crawled under my desk and sat there shuddering for a few hours with a cold compress over my eyes.

I've always been very accepting of most deviant behavior between willing parties, hell, I encourage it for most (other) people. However, there is just something too disturbing about this practice for me to dismiss as mere sexual gratification. You want to dress up like a baby and get spanked by a midget while a monkey throws Spam at you? Hey, whatever floats your boat. You want to put a broom handle in your anus and have clowns play ring toss? Knock yourself out. But holy bejeeeeezus, why would you want that (THAT) body part removed forever? Do people actually get sexual pleasure from something like that? Or does some ordinary guy just one day think "These damn testicles! Always flippin' and floppin' and sticking to the inside of my thigh! There must be a solution, I say!"

It also disturbs me that it is predominately white middle-aged males who practice these freaky-ass behaviors so much. Like that poor bastard in Oregon who decided that 5 feet of rock-hard horse lovin' wouldn't hurt him in the least. From what I know, I haven't heard of any instances of adult women whispering to each other "You know what makes me really horny? A double mastectomy. Totally hot." Good Lord.

Course, if women really did do that, then I guess they would never be able to say the line that I will now use to close my rant of the day, without giggling:

Just had to get that off my chest.


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